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Smyrna Airport
[/az_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][az_column_text]Smyrna Airport
Watch the skies are military planes come in and out of the Smyrna Airport. A former Air Force base, the airport in Smyrna, Tennessee is a venue that once hosted the 118th Airlift Wing.
Watch training activities for the 164th Airlift Wing of the Air Force. Many training activities are supported as high-speed aircraft travels between the airport and another smaller one just outside of Memphis.
Get to the main airport building to learn about the history of the military in the City of Smyrna. Read about how the airport was once the Seward Air Force Base.
Look as military and small charter planes come in and out of the airport each day. The two-runway airport is used as a reliever for the much larger Nashville International Airport located to the north of the city.
Visit the control tower during off-peak hours. The tower offers a great view of the area and includes number landing system programs to help airplanes with safely coming in and out of the airport.
Check out some of the flight training activities that take place here in Smyrna, TN. The airport offers some support for basic flight training although it does not work offer commercial air flight training sessions.