If you have low credit, you might have put off buying your first home. But, completing this is more probable than you think! It all comes down to preparation and learning what to do from experts. Luckily, HomeRate Mortgage has got you covered.

Get prepared

Being prepared is the first step towards buying a home. Creating a foundation of knowledge is something you can do no matter your budget.
Reports show that 75% of Americans want to buy a home. Chances are, you’re one of them.

Even if you don’t think you’re in the best financial situation, you can still start planning to buy a home. However, it’s vital that you get expert advice and think critically along the way. Getting guidance from a mortgage lender means they’ll do all the hard stuff. Mortgages are a popular way to make the home-buying process achievable. And here’s a surprising fact: there are tons of programs that require less than 5% down payment.

Get an expert’s advice

Helping people buy homes is what we do. Here’s just one example of how we get people to achieve their home-buying dreams. We assisted a local warehouse manager in buying his first home. At first, he wasn’t credit qualified. However, we helped him fix his credit and get qualified— all in one week. We even helped him close 9 days early! No matter your situation, you can benefit from our services.

You can create a foundation of knowledge no matter your budget. And our mortgage experts can help you make the best decision for your unique situation. HomeRate Mortgage was a Best of the best Nominee in Mortgage Lender category last year. With a trusted company behind you, your home-buying ambitions will be just within reach!

It’s so simple

Our staff’s goal is to build a lasting relationship with you. We specialize in not only helping you purchase a home, but also refinancing a current loan and consolidating debt. What’s even better, we provide interactive tools on our website to help you get started.  

With today’s technology, it’s easier than ever to start the process of buying your first home. You can get started with your quote in less than 5 minutes! Fill out this form or contact us at 844-805-9100 today to start your journey towards buying a home.